This is a new piece of ambient music/space music/call-it-what-you-will music, in which I once again follow the now familiar path of warping pre-existing parts of earlier tunes (more often than not, recent efforts have been based on CC:PP pieces) and sticking them back together in 'alien' ways. There's some churchy-sounding organ in there, a slidey-guitarry thing that's been PaulStretched beyond all recognition and, unless I'm very much mistaken, there's a choir of sampled CCs that pops up occasionally. I gave it the last-minute name of "SHE-WOLVES OF GANYMEDE", a nonsensical yet strangely evocative title, arrived at via the time-honoured method of blindly stabbing at an opened copy of Hutchinson's Junior Encyclopaedia with the blunt end of a pencil. Because I had to call it something...
The accompanying visuals are also an exercise in recycling. I used my "pointing-my-camera-out-of-the-train-window" footage (last seen here), slowed it down, sped it up, flipped it, mirrored it and submitted it to some arty, swirly effects, plus an extreme use of posterisation and median filter, until I arrived at something that resembles a juddery 8mm stop-frame animation, hand-drawn with magic markers. Which may or may not have been the effect I was aiming for...